Frequently asked questions

How does this work?

After you subscribe, you’ll get instant access to the algorithm’s signals via the dashboard.

On the last trading day of every month, you’ll get an email telling you which ETFs the models will be holding for the upcoming month.

If you want to follow along in your own account, place a trade before the end of the day or by the next morning.

What’s the catch?

There will be a lot of short term capital gains (which are taxed at a higher rate than long term gains).

Not a problem if you’re trading in a retirement account (like an IRA) which allow you to trade without tax implications but best to consult with your tax advisor if you’re doing this in a regular brokerage account and are concerned about taxes.

How do I change plans or cancel?

You’ll get an automatic email reminder a few days before your free trial ends reminding you to cancel before your card gets charged.

To change plans or cancel, just login to your account and click “join new plan” or “cancel plan”.

Which ETFs are used?

Conservative: SSO, VEA, VWO, UST
Aggressive: SSO, EFO, EET, UST
Max Aggressive: UPRO, EFO, EDC, TYD
Global Trend: SPY, SCZ, UBT

You can also use mutual funds if these ETFs are unavailable at your brokerage. See here.

Does this beat the market every month/year?

No. But there’s a very high probability it will outperform over a long time frame.

Do you use stop losses?

No. Performance is much worse when stop losses are used. It's better to use smaller position sizes instead. Re-evaluating at the end of every month acts as a sort of “stop loss”.

Will the algorithm keep working in the future?

We think so for a few reasons:

1.     They survived 2 major recessions and outperformed for nearly 20 years during a wide variety of market environments.  

2.     The algorithms are very general. Meaning they don’t “overfit” the data during a specific time period to get better results.  

3.     We use a globally-diverse basket of ETFs which helps spread out the risk if one asset class underperforms for years. 

4.     Like other types of factors (value, quality, low volatility), momentum investing has been empirically shown to capture long-term risk premium.

5. Since going live in 2017, the models have successfully avoided big market drops like the Volpocalypse (Feb 2018), trade wars (Dec 2018), and the coronavirus (March 2020). This is more evidence that the algorithms are actually robust and not just curve-fitted to look good during the backtest.